Caught on Audio: Qevin McQarthy is a lying, spineless, craven twit; I state the obvious

Shocking: Qevie McQarthy (Idiot-CA) from the meth and Big Oil infested Bakersfield, CA lied.

In an audio tape aired on The Rachel Maddow Show, Qevie said he would urge TFG to resign after the January 6 attack on our Capitol Building but of course, the spineless twit later denied ever making such an egregious claim against Derp Leader.

The conversation between Qevie and Rep. Liz Cheney clearly proves otherwise.

Below is a clip from the Rachel Maddow Show featuring that conversation and an interview with the authors, Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns, of the soon to be released book titled, “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future .”

From NBC:

McCarthy said he would urge Trump to resign after Jan. 6, new audio reveals

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., denied earlier Thursday that he had said he would recommend former President Donald Trump step down after the Jan. 6 riot.

In the Jan. 10 call, McCarthy can be heard telling Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., that he planned to tell the president he should step down following the violent attack on the Capitol by a mob of Trump supporters.

Qevie could be our next Speaker of the House or worse—Gym Jordan. Do your part not to let this happen and help save our democracy.

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