Who is Stephen Smith? Madison Cawthorn Staffer Appears to Grope Madison in Clip

✱The president of a PAC dedicated to removing Cawthorn from office has filed an ethics complaint against the congressman.

✱The complaint alleges he did “not properly filed House financial disclosures regarding gifts and loans to Mr. Stephen L. Smith.” 

✱A video reportedly featuring Cawthorn and Smith, who works as the congressman’s scheduler, was published online Thursday.


A video has emerged showing Madison Cawthorn appearing to be groped by a man believed to be one of the North Carolina congressman’s staff members.

The footage was featured among fillings submitted to the Office of Congressional Ethics by the political group Fire Madison Cawthorn, who are trying to get the congressman investigated over alleged misconduct and inappropriate behavior.

According to the filings, Cawthorn has provided Smith with loans and other gifts which were not declared, and the staff member has not returned.

✱ Smith has lived for free with Cawthorn

✱ Smith joined Cawthorn and his wife on their honeymoon in Dubai in April 2021.

✱ The Fire Madison Cawthorn group has submitted screenshots of Venmo payments with notes such as “The quickie at the airport.”

✱ Another Venmo payment had a note “For loving me daily and nightly” and “Nudes.”

✱ A Cawthorn spokesman said that the two are cousins.

✱ In a deposition Cawthorn called Smith  “his third cousin once removed.”


Originally tweeted by MeidasTouch.com (@MeidasTouch) on 04/28/2022.

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