Michigan State Police Have Warrants to Seize Voting Equipment

Investigating election fraud has expanded in at least three towns and one county in Michigan, with Michigan State Police obtaining warrants to seize voting equipment and election records in the largest investigation of Trump allies unauthorized to access voting machines.

Authorities are securing voting machines, poll books, data-storage devices and phone records as evidence in a probe launched in mid-February.

  • The latest locale of a reported potential breach of equipment is Lake Township in the north-central lower peninsula. It is one of 11 cases in Michigan in which Trump supporters sought to gain illegal access to voting machines, inspired by the Big Lie.
  • In Richfield Township in Roscommon County (*readers may note that St. Helen in Roscommon County was the last known address of the man who killed a Wisconsin judge), an official along with the county clerk said unauthorized access to two voting tabulators was given to a third party in 2021.

He’s back: Constitutional Sheriff Dar Leaf

Barry County “Constitutional” Sheriff Dar Leaf has been “investigating” his own people for two years. While Trump dominated the county’s election, election clerks, including Republicans, contend there were no problems with local elections but have nonetheless been grilled by Leaf’s private investigator.

Leaf has issued subpoenas to local clerks seeking 2020 election data, including copies of electronic poll books, “cast vote” records and a state database known as the Qualified Voter File — all for Leaf’s “criminal investigation.”

“This whole thing has been certified and on the shelf for months,” said the Barry County Clerk, a Republican, referring to the 2020 election.

One Republican township supervisor sent Leaf a bill for $1,309 for costs incurred, and said Leaf is “wasting our taxpayers money.”

Leaf Files a Lawsuit To Stop Investigators from Investigating his Investigation


Michigan state authorities have tried to subpoena and question Leaf’s deputy about allegations of voting machines being breached. Leaf’s attorney says state and possibly federal authorities are trying to interview, “intimidate” and “confiscate protected materials and information in their possession.”

Leaf filed a lawsuit on Friday to stop state authorities from “usurping and interfering” with his investigation, and alleges the Michigan State Police is an “unaccountable strong arm” of state government trying “bully” and “harass” his office.

Spokespersons for Michigan AG Dana Nessel and the Michigan State Police declined comment on Leaf’s lawsuit.
