Trump’s Air Force One Paint Scheme Scrapped by Biden

WASHINGTON, June 10 (Reuters) – The Biden administration will scrap a paint scheme for Air Force One proposed by former President Donald Trump, after the Air Force determined the design would create too much heat for the presidential aircraft, a U.S. official said on Friday.

“The Trump paint scheme is not being considered because it could drive additional engineering, time and cost,” an administration official said on condition of anonymity.

On Wednesday, an Air Force spokeswoman said darker colors, among other factors, on the underside of Air Force One “might contribute to temperatures exceeding the current qualification limits of a small number of components.” read more


While the White House has not released a mock-up of the new Air Force Ones, which will consist of two modified Boeing 747-8s, it is likely they will revert to the classic JFK-era light blue and white scheme. The new planes aren’t expected to fly until 2026, according to Air Force budget documents.

In 2019, Trump told ABC News that he wanted to change up the traditional pattern, later telling Fox News “the baby blue doesn’t fit with us.” The new scheme bore a striking resemblance to Trump’s private 757.


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