Missouri Senate Candidate Eric Greitens Puts Out Video Touting RINO Hunting

Former Missouri Governor and leading GOP Senate Candidate Eric Greitens put out a video on Monday showing him and a group with guns and tactical gear “RINO hunting.”

“Today, we’re going RINO hunting,” Greitens says in the video. “The RINO feeds on corruption and are marked by the stripes of cowardice.”

The video shows Greitens and others carrying long guns and an American flag, break down a door and throw a smoke bomb into a house. Greitens walks into the empty room and asks viewers to “join the MAGA crew” and “get their RINO hunting permits.”

“There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit and it doesn’t expire until we save our country,” Greitens says in the video.


The video is not the first time Greitens has advocated for violence against his political opponents in a campaign ad. Earlier this year he appeared in a video with Donald Trump Jr. where the two fired weapons at a shooting range and said “liberals beware.”

Greitens served with the Navy SEALS in the early 2000s and is the current front runner in the Missouri Senate GOP primary.

Greitens was forced to resign as governor over testimony from a mistress that he bound her to exercise equipment, took nude photos of her, called her derogatory names, and forced her to perform sex acts on him.

Greitens ex-wife also testified under sworn testimony that he physically and emotionally abused her and their children.

Kansas City Star, The Hill