Free Range Free Chat

Welcome News Viewers; it’s now the Monday we dreaded yesterday; and we’re partway to the Tuesday we wished yesterday would be here meaning Monday would then be over. Got it?

Today’s Free Ranging Open Forum/Omni-Topic discussion is soon to be written. We don’t know what the shape, tone and content of our chat will be because that’s in the future. As we comment, the give and take will form into a discussion, a play of ideas, never before seen. While we interact, solve, theorize and opine here on Free Range, we are forming in the present a future which will be past tomorrow.

The moral of this story? What we do is in the present. The past and the future are memories and dreams; we pick and choose what to use from perceptions of each, but only in the present are we making the choice to act it, face it, preach it, bring it.

Clear as mud?

Below are a few of the most important discoveries of June, 2022 according to Slashgear. There are many more. Why discoveries? Because, as in this Free Chat, we explore the present, we’re guided by our perception of a past that’s full of blanks that need filling in. We act, we DO, we discover as we go knowing there is a future yet to be made, a future that is not set, a future we are constructing with actions from the now.

If we get discouraged or fearful of the future, let’s talk. Because we know in the present, that ”later” is not a done deal, not until we add our present actions to it. … . Like those who made the discoveries below, for example, we may be surprised. What we believe will happen may not be what happens…….

The world of the moth isn’t necessarily a particularly noisy one, but there are certain sounds they rather not hear and when they do hear them, they want to absorb as much as possible
To test the sound-absorbing qualities of moth wings, scientists coated metal disks with pieces of moth wings and bounced sound off of them. They found that the wings absorbed up to 87% of sound waves by vibrating small scales on their surface.
Their sound-absorbing capabilities are roughly ten times better than anything humans have been able to engineer and could inspire the creation of sound-absorbing wallpaper.
Normally, mutations in the cells would trigger an immune response and they’d be wiped out, but MMRd cancers send out a signal which shields them from the body’s immune system.
Scientists wondered if there might be a way to take off the cancer’s disguise and use the body’s own immune response to fight back. They gathered up 14 patients with MMRd rectal cancer and gave them an immune checkpoint inhibitor known as Jemperli. While the sample size of the study was small, the results were incredible.
Scientists studying the mangrove forests of Guadeloupe came across tiny white filaments jutting up from the detritus underwater. At first, they thought they might have uncovered a new type of worm or fungi, but further scrutiny revealed the largest bacterium ever discovered, according to a study published in the journal Science.
For the polar bear, at least, the world is literally shrinking.
One such subpopulation is breaking the mold and finding ways to more successfully survive in a warming world. A study published in the journal Science describes a small population living on fractured sea ice in Greenland.
The conditions of the ice in the region mimic those which are expected in the Arctic over coming decades, as a result of climate change. This subpopulation of bears is making a go of it, suggesting that polar bears might be more adaptable than we previously thought.
While it isn’t the most nutritious diet, the superworms were observed to partially digest the plastic and gain weight, which suggests they were able to attain some nutrition from the material. The secret, it seems, is enzymes created by bacteria in the worms’ guts. Those enzymes likely evolved to break down natural polymers and, through a bit of evolutionary happenstance, are also pretty good at breaking down synthetic ones.

Any amount of coffee consumption at all was associated with a reduced likelihood of mortality by about 16% to 21%, as compared to those individuals who did not drink coffee. Perhaps surprisingly, adding a bit of sugar to your drink literally sweetened the pot.
Participants who drank between 1.5 and 3.5 cups of coffee, sweetened with about a teaspoon of sugar, were 29% to 31% less likely to die over the study period. At present, there’s no word on the impact of artificial sweeteners. Researchers concluded that moderate consumption of coffee, particularly if lightly sweetened, is correlated with a lower risk of death. Your coffee probably won’t save you from a car accident, but it could stave off so-called natural causes.

Happy Monday to all. What’s happening in your present moment News Viewers? Bring it ON😉😁