Elon Musk Says Trump Should “Sail Into the Sunset”

Elon Musk, Tesla and SpaceX CEO, suggested Trump is too old to run for the presidency in 2024, and that he should “sail into the sunset.”

“I don’t hate the man, but it’s time for Trump to hang up his hat & sail into the sunset. Dems should also call off the attack — don’t make it so that Trump’s only way to survive is to regain the Presidency.”

At a rally in Alaska on Saturday, Trump said mean things about Elon (or Leon?), one of many mean things Trump said.

Trump seemed to be triggered when Musk denied telling Trump that he voted for him.

Musk said that his first vote for a Republican was in June for a Texas woman, Mayra Flores; and when asked if he would vote for a Republican for president, Musk did not mention Trump.