Coffee Talk

Good Thursday morning, NewsViewers!

Coffee Talk is like Seinfeld — it’s a thread about nothing. Well, not exactly nothing, because it’s about anything, everything, or next to nothing.

It’s often about your world and what you want to share, and it’s often the place to “get your Ya-Ya’s out” about local, national, or global news.

Coffee Talk can also be about the suggested topic of the day, something just for fun.

As a free chat forum, feel free to drop some memes or short videos — and for today’s topic this would be more than welcome, in moderation. Please, short clips only.

Today’s Topic

Everyone knows the answer to the question: What was better, the book or the movie?

Books are always better than movies.

Books allow you to imagine your own characters and settings by creating our own visuals. While an author can lay out details of a character, setting, or storyline, it’s up to us to fill in the blanks. A book will develop a character over time, and in that time it allows us to imagine how the story will end.

But occasionally, there’s a movie that’s better than the book. Often it’s an actor who portrays a character better than one we might have imagined; and sometimes it’s a visual experience that can’t be recreated on the page.

Here’s my example of a movie that was better than the book (okay — in this case, a novella from Stephen King’s Different Seasons).

I’d love to visit Zihuatanejo.

Name a movie that was better than the book.

And if the mood strikes you, leave a short clip…

Have a great Thursday as our summer days wind down. Get out and enjoy the last official week of summer, and don’t forget to get your Omicron boosters when you can.