Marjorie Taylor Greene Kicks Unarmed Activist

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared to kick an 18-year-old Gen Z activist outside the Capitol on Thursday following a press conference.

Videos posted to Twitter by Greene and the activist from the group Voters of Tomorrow show Greene engaging with the activists about gun violence.

As the group approaches a crosswalk, Greene appears to step on the foot of Marianna Pecora, who was walking in front of her as Greene says “excuse me.” Greene then appears to rear back in a second attempt to kick the activist intentionally.

“Oh my God,” Pecora, 18, is seen saying in the videos.

The melee began when the Freedom Caucus dispersed from a press conference discussing a bill being debated in the Senate. Santiago Mayer, the 20-year-old founder of Voters of Tomorrow and Mexican immigrant, approached Greene and Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), asking to take a photo. Greene and Boebert recognized Mayer as an activist. Boebert quickly exited, while Greene jousted.

Mayer questioned Greene about her plan to protect children from being shot in schools. “You’re helping kids get shot in school,” Mayer said to Greene.

Greene responded by saying Mayer should move to another country.

“I asked her if her official stance as a member of Congress was that I should just move to another country if I didn’t want kids to get shot,” Mayer said.

Washington Post, Raw Story