Felicity Huffman sentenced to 14 days in prison for college bribery scandal

The actor Felicity Huffman was sentenced on Friday to 14 days in prison for paying $15,000 to rig her daughter’s SAT scores in the college admissions scandal that ensnared dozens of wealthy and well-connected parents.
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Huffman, 56, who has starred in TV hits including Desperate Housewives, Get Shorty and Frasier, became the first of 34 parents to be sentenced. She was also given a $30,000 fine, 250 hours of community service and a year of supervised release.

In a statement, she said she accepted her sentence “without reservation” and said: “There no excuses or justifications for my actions. Period.”

Full article at The Guardian

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About forkless 304 Articles
Part-time despot and Dutch mini-pancake connoisseur. Has been known to play a musical instrument or two, much to the chagrin of people and pets around him. Visit me on Mastodon