Ali Alexander Calls for Military Coup in Brazil After Jair Bolsonaro Defeated

Ali Alexander, who organized the “Stop the Steal” Trump rally held just before an attempted coup on the Capitol in Washington, is calling for a military coup in Brazil after Trump’s favored candidate lost his reelection on Sunday.

Alexander posted on Truth Social, “Joe Biden’s team is currently STEALING the Brazilian election for socialist Lula. Literally a COUP. Take to the streets, brothers of Brazil! Military stand by. Peacefully and patriotically!”

Alexander posted a screen shot of an article that summarized the diplomatic effort by US leaders to pressure Brazilian authorities into upholding Brazil’s democracy and election results. 

Bolsonaro, a divisive leader who has been president of Brazil since January 2019, lost his position by a narrow margin to leftist candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Sunday.

Bolsonaro, a Trump ally and divisive far-right leader, has parroted MAGA election denial rhetoric.

Bolsonaro’s son Flávio called the defeated president a victim of “the greatest election fraud ever seen.”

Bolsonaro left his residence on Monday morning, but had still not made any public comments. He is the first Brazilian incumbent to lose a presidential election. 

Business Insider, Reuters