Banned Twitter Accounts Will Not Be Reinstated Until After Mid-terms

Twitter’s new overlord Elon Musk stated that Trump and those who were previously banned by Twitter will have to wait a few weeks until after the mid-term elections to be reinstated.

Musk said those who violated Twitter rules would not be allowed back on until a process for doing so has been put in place, which would “take at least a few more weeks”.

And there are MAGA tears in my morning coffee.

Meanwhile, a report by the Election Integrity Partnership, a coalition of bodies that combats digital election interference, gave details of six networks linked to China and Iran that had attempted to manipulate the Twitter platform in the run-up to the US midterms.

All six networks, which have been taken down now by Twitter, were made to appear as if they were operating out of the US. They issued 706,000 tweets, although engagement appeared to be insignificant, with almost 600,000 of those tweets gaining zero likes.

The Guardian