Quid Pro Quo? Corruption in California’s Capitol

California Assemblywoman tries to weaken privacy law that would affect her husband's business

The California legislature worked through the summer to finalize the text of the state’s landmark data privacy law before time to make amendments ran out on Friday. In the Assembly (California’s lower house), Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin has been a key voice and vote backing motions that would weaken the law, and a new report says her reasoning may be very, very close to home.

A review of state ethics documents conducted by Politico found that Ms. Irwin is married to Jon Irwin, the chief operating officer of Amazon’s controversial Ring home surveillance business. That company stands to benefit if the California law is weakened in certain key ways before it can take effect.

One proposal put forth by Assemblywoman Irwin would expand what kind of data would be exempt from CCPA provisions, and this drew the ire of consumer protection groups, Politico reports. Irwin also initially proposed striking out “a provision requiring companies to disclose or delete data associated with ‘households’ upon request,” a regulation that will likely affect companies like Ring.

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Article submitted by the one and only, CaptainCommonsense.