Coffee Talk

Good morning, friends, welcome to Coffee Talk, the free chat space of Thursdays — where the whole day is ahead of us to chat about anything, everything, or nothing (and also cats).

Well, there’s also the suggested topic of the day…

Mornings are what you make of them, whether it involves running shoes, a walking stick, or a slow shuffle to the coffee machine with one eye open — we hope you make Coffee Talk part of your morning to address the business of the whole-day-ahead-of-us.

Today’s Topic

It seems there will be a bigly announcement today, thank you very much! — (not!)

What do you predict the announcement will be?

Let’s take the steam out of this deal, and figure it out before The Former Guy graces us with his super powers.


Enjoy your free chat, your Thursday, and also, pssst!….. your 10-day countdown until Christmas. Bah humbug!