Free Chat Friday, Week 4

Our Friday Free Chat usually gives a representative selection of political cartoons to show the week’s news; but today every cartoon focuses on the same thing though in different ways— typical cartoon behavior if you ask me — quirky, individualistic, edgy, biting and irreverent. Political cartoons: Amazing. They are to explanations what a scalpel is to a surgical procedure— a cut to the gut rather than a textbook on surgical techniques. Example? Check out the first toon at the top. NUFF said. . . .

As you can see, News Viewers, the story of the U S is guns, not just this week but especially this week, this month, this year; this pandemic.

As always, this is an open forum, so all topics are on the table, and feel free to post your own cartoons representing all the news of the world, gifs, memes and short video clips 2-3 minutes at most—. Nobody has time in the a.m. to listen to that hour long whatever we may want to post— just a link would be best to share there.

SO . . . ,Happy Friday, you buncha brainiacs 😉😄 — share with us what’s going on in your various worlds— and glad you’re here on this Odd Weather Friday—. What’s happening in your neck of the woods?