Florida Man Arrested For Pulling Gun Over Late Wingstop Order


Investigators say Matthew Davis, 35, placed an online order to be picked up around 9:00 p.m. When he showed up at 9:40 p.m., his food was not ready. That’s when Davis got angry.

Managers offered him a free drink, but he wasn’t satisfied. According to CCSO, David said, “I’m going to get my strap,” and, “They going to see I’m not playing.”

A family getting ice cream next door reported seeing Davis’ finger on the trigger when he was walking back to Wingstop. Witnesses and employees told investigators they were in fear for their lives. “I can’t even imagine, you know, that somebody, because their order took too long or they didn’t like how it came out? It’s like OK, then you don’t go there again, but to pull a gun on somebody over something as silly as that as an order not being to their satisfaction, I mean, that’s getting kind of nuts,” said Gregory Garcia.

❋ Davis told the cops that his mother had died and he was stressed.

❋ He’s in the Collier County Jail on 2 counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.


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