New Hampshire GOP Rep Arrested After Going Full Karen On Snowplow Operator

Paul Manson, the town’s highway road agent, said Jeffrey Greeson was standing in front of his truck yelling when he exited the truck with his phone to record the interaction.

“Here’s where my driveway ends, right here. Push it out of the road!” shouted Greeson, who also used a rude hand gesture and expletives. “Your job is to clear the road. Clear the road! Now, get in your truck and do your job!”

Near the end of the roughly one-and-a-half-minute video, Greeson can be seen reaching for Mason’s phone and putting his hand over the camera lens to block the video. Mason responded by telling the House member, “get your hands off me.”


CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A Republican lawmaker in New Hampshire was arrested Friday for screaming and swearing at a snowplow truck operator who recorded the confrontation and later reported him to police.

Rep. Jeffrey Greeson, 51, of Wentworth was charged with disorderly conduct, criminal threatening and simple assault, according to police. He was released on personal recognizance and ordered back to Plymouth District Court on May 18.

Manson said he had already been plowing for about six hours Saturday when he encountered Greeson standing in the middle of the road around 8 a.m. “He just started giving me hell, and I didn’t know what was going on,” he said Thursday. “When I got out of the truck, he started screaming in my face. So I got back in the truck and got my phone.”

Manson acknowledges that while plowing the snow, it gets on driveways, but that he can’t help it. He says his job is to get the snow off the road.



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