Sinema Courting GOP Donors By Trashing Democrats Eating Jell-O

Back in December, Kyrsten Sinema (Craven Asshole-AZ) left the Democratic Party to become an Independent, causing members of her previous affiliation to tread lightly to keep her caucusing with a slim-majority Democratic Senate.

But Sinema is continuing to fundraise through GOP campaign events, and belittling her former Democratic colleagues in the process — while delighting her GOP audiences including lawmakers and lobbyists.

Explaining why she quit attending Democratic caucus luncheons at the Capitol, she told a small group of Republican lobbyists that she’s no longer a Democrat but really….. “Those lunches were ridiculous.”

“Old dudes are eating Jell-O, everyone is talking about how great they are,” Sinema recounted to gales of laughter. “I don’t really need to be there for that. That’s an hour and a half twice a week that I can get back.”

Also: “The Northerners and the Westerners put cool whip on their Jell-O,” she shared, “and the Southerners put cottage cheese.”

There were other more specific points made by the Arizona Senator.

  • The country’s declining confidence in the courts is because Harry Reid eliminated the Senate judicial filibuster.
  • To an energy lobbyist looking to compromise with Leader Schumer, Sinema gave him an “Oh, good luck.”
  • When Sinema was helping to get Arizona Judge Roopali Desai appointed to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, former Chief of Staff Ron Klain reached out to her about having the votes. Sinema offered her middle finger in the air as she told the story of a bipartisan approval and appointment.
  • And when a Republican donor told the Arizona senator that it was not Manchin but Sinema who “carried the water for us in this last Congress,” she responded: “You’re hired.” The donor went on to praise Sinema: “Without you our taxes would’ve gone through the roof,” she concurred: “They would have.”

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