Late Night Shows Are Tickled By Trump’s Indictment

After the Former Guy was indicted by a grand jury in Manhattan on Thursday, Late Night had a night to remember.

Stephen Colbert celebrated the indictment coinciding on opening day of baseball with canned whipped cream and a side of ice cream sundae inside a helmet.

“I didn’t know it would feel this good!” he said.

Jimmy Kimmel was also in good spirits.

“Maybe instead of running for president, he’ll do another show, like ‘The Celebrity Apprehentice.’ Or maybe, maybe a sitcom like ‘Arrested Developer.’ We don’t know. All we know is that right now for the first time in seven years, Melania is smiling at Mar-a-Lago.”

And over at the Daily Show, host John Leguizamo broke the news to an ecstatic audience.

“The report is that they are going to try to negotiate his surrender. Either that, or they’ll leave a trail of Big Macs leading to the prison.” 

Thanks to the New York Times for a compilation of comedic relief.