Morning Joe Defends “60 Minutes” MTG Interview and Compares it to Charles Manson’s

If they interview Charles Manson, they can interview a member of Congress

Joe Scarborough defended CBS for the “60 Minutes” interview of Marjorie Taylor Greene, explaining that the news program has been known for interviewing infamous but newsworthy public figures…

… like Charles Manson.

“Marjorie Taylor Greene has said horrific things,” Scarborough continued. “I think she is a sign of just how badly things have gone, but if I’m not mistaken, ’60 Minutes’ interviewed Charles Manson, and ’60 Minutes’ has interviewed one terrible person after another terrible person, and so if they interview Charles Manson, they can interview a member of Congress and if you don’t want to watch, you can do what Mika [Brzezinski] and I did and not watch until this morning, but if you want to watch, you can watch and actually understand some of the craziness that has infected the Republican Party, and that just may be good to understand what American democracy is up against.”

“By the way, if anybody thinks that one of the leading Republicans in the House of Representatives telling America on a top-rated news show that she believes Joe Biden is a pedophile,” Scarborough added, “If you think that helps Republicans in the next election in Wisconsin, in Michigan, in Pennsylvania, in Georgia, in Arizona, in every single swing state, even in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race tomorrow, if you don’t think that doesn’t further tarnish the Republican image nationwide, up and down the ballot, well, you don’t know politics, so I think sunlight is the best disinfectant.”

During the interview Lesley Stahl asked Greene about why she called Democrats pedophiles.

“They are not pedophiles. Why would you say that?” asked Stahl.

Greene defended it.

“Democrats, Democrats support,” she struggled. “Even Joe Biden, the president himself, supports children being sexualized and having transgender surgeries. Sexualizing children is what pedophiles do to children.”

“Wow. Okay,” Stahl said.

*Lesley Stahl did not ask MTG how she confuses transgenders (who have gender identity questions) with sexual molestation or grooming of children.

Maybe Lesley Stahl will do a follow-up fact check on MTG’s speeding tickets.

Mediaite, Raw Story