Trump Aides Compared Hoarded Boxes to “A Beautiful Mind”

A detail disclosed in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents indictment showed that Trump aides referred to Trump’s hoarded documents as “beautiful mind paper boxes,” in reference to Russell Crowe’s film portrayal of schizophrenic mathematician John Nash.

Trump has always hung onto news clippings, documents and other mementos, according to more than a half-dozen people who have worked for him over the years, including before his presidency.

His office at Trump Tower in New York, a corner space on the 26th floor, had a desk that was often piled high with papers. He kept keepsakes for decades, including a series of letters written to him by famous people more than 30 years ago, which he later published as a book that he sells for nearly $100 a copy.

Starting in the early months of his administration, Trump began using a cardboard box to bring papers and documents from the West Wing up to the residence at the end of the day.

According to sources, Trump was generally able to identify what was in the boxes most immediately around him. One of those people said he was “meticulous” in putting things in specific boxes.

Aides started examining the boxes to check for presidential records, but Trump still found ways to bring items to the residence. And the boxes began to multiply. He could point to specific boxes that he wanted to take with him on Air Force One when he was traveling, and decline to take others, appearing aware of the contents inside the boxes he chose.

“I hadn’t had a chance to go through all the boxes,” Trump said. “It’s a long, tedious job, takes a long time. Which I was prepared to do, but I have a very busy life.”

New York Times, Raw Story