Coffee Talk

Good morning Coffee Talkers of the News Views tribe, welcome to Thursday and Thursday’s free chat space.

What’s happening in your atmosphere this morning? Did anyone else think it was never going to get dark last night? The longest day of the year turned out to be a long one indeed.

Today’s Topic

Don’t say we didn’t warn you about gas stoves, mmkay?

From ABC News:

China’s president ordered a national safety campaign on Thursday after a massive cooking gas explosion at a barbecue restaurant in the northwest killed 31 people and injured seven others on the eve of a long holiday weekend.

The explosion left many people unconscious and they needed to be carried out of the shop.

An hour before the explosion, employees noticed the smell of cooking gas and discovered that a gas tank valve was broken. The blast occurred while an employee was replacing the valve.

See what we’ve been saying??

There should be plenty of ways the government can protect its citizens from dangerous things like gas stoves.

What else should be banned in Wingnut World? (*wink-wink)

Of course there are some obvious answers, like military weapons, that don’t belong among civilized folk. Perhaps we should be thinking about other things less obvious.

What would you ban if you could??

At any rate, News Viewers, this is Thursday’s free chat, and a safe space to chat freely about whatever you choose.

Make it a good one, and have a great Thursday — it’s almost the weekend!