Why Does Trump Want US Company CrowdStrike Investigated by Ukraine?

Transcripts of the call between Trump and President Zelensky revealed that Trump suggested an investigation of a Sunnyvale, CA, security software vendor named CrowdStrike be part of an investigation into corruption.  Crowdstrike assisted the DNC in the breach of their servers in 2016 that revealed confidential conversations among Hillary Clinton’s aides.  The DOJ eventually charged 12 Russians with election interference over the breach.

Trump has a theory that the “lost” servers holding damaging information are located in Ukraine.

 “I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike [sic]… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it.”

Trump thinks the servers should have been turned over to the FBI instead of being investigated by the private company.  This an apparent attempt to discredit the investigation that found Russia helped him win the election.


Article submitted by, PMSwithESP.