Ohio Undergoing Special Election to Undermine an Abortion Rights Amendment on November’s Ballot

A pro-choice group in Ohio submitted more than 710,000 signatures to put a constitutional amendment on the November ballot that would codify abortion rights.

But the quick-thinkers in Ohio’s state government are spending $20 million on a single-issue August election to stop the abortion rights proposal from being on the November ballot at all.

For more than a century, Ohioans have been able to seek votes from actual voters if they believe their government isn’t addressing an issue properly. Now, Issue 1 is looking to make the number of voters required to get a new proposal on the ballot significantly higher.

Those seeking to get amendments on the ballot would have the virtually insurmountable task of collecting signatures from at least 5% of voters from the last gubernatorial election in all 88 counties. Currently they have to go to 44 counties.

Columbus Dispatch

Sixty percent of voter approval would be required instead of a simple majority of 50% plus one if Issue 1 — a statehouse con tied with pretty ribbon — is successful.

To top off the hypocrisy of this effort, just months ago the Ohio legislature voted to limit most August elections because of the lazy-summer low voter turnout. But they made an exception for this one.

Politics Girl explains this much better than I can.

Someone in Ohio is working hard to draw attention to what Ohio legislators are capable of doing for personal rights.


As if any of us needs a reminder of what kind of fools are elected in Ohio, here’s the latest example. Sad!!

Columbus Dispatch, CBS News