Commander Biden in the Doghouse

The conservative activist group Judicial Watch, which specializes in alleged misconduct by government officials, released details from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit concerning canine misconduct by First Dog Commander Biden.

Commander apparently broke protocol, and occasionally some skin, at least ten times between October 2022 and January 2023. One Secret Service agent required hospital care in November when Commander bit the agent on the arm and thigh. The agent admitted to being in a “considerable amount of pain.”

Judicial Watch suggests that the Bidens are hiding more evidence from Commander’s first nine months at the White House, as well as the previous six months.

(***Does the watchdog group likely plan to sink their teeth into more investigation? Just asking questions.)

“These shocking records raise fundamental questions about President Biden and the Secret Service,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.

E-mail exchanges between Secret Service agents and their management reveal their disdain for the First Dog.

“That’s freaking crazy, that stupid dog,” the superior of the November 2022 attack said.

“My leg and arm still hurts. He bit me twice and ran at me twice,” the victim replied, to which the first officer said: “What a joke. If it wasn’t [the Bidens’] dog he would already have been put down. Freaking clown needs a muzzle.”

The White House says Commander will be provided more training and improved control techniques.

The Guardian