Jamie Raskin Promises Full Report on Trump Family Emoluments Earnings

House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jamie Raskin dropped some bad news for the Trump and Kushner families on Sunday’s “ABC’s This Week,” announcing that a full report would be coming from Committee Democrats on the millions of dollars the Trumps have pocketed from foreign governments and entities.

Interviewer Jonathon Karl was questioning Raskin about Hunter Biden’s business dealings when Raskin pointed out that Republicans weren’t interested in public officials’ moneymaking in the Trump White House.

“And we’re gonna release a report about all of the foreign government emoluments — millions of dollars — we can document that Donald Trump pocketed at the hotels at the golf courses to business deals when he was president and that his family got,” Raskin added. “But they’ve not laid a glove on Joe Biden. As president, they haven’t been able to show any criminal corruption on his part — what they’ve got is Hunter Biden.


See the full interview below.

The Hill, Raw Story, Meidas Touch