Saudi Border Guards Accused of Killing Hundreds of African Migrants

A Human Rights Watch report out on Monday is saying that Saudi Arabian border guards have killed hundreds of migrants and asylum seekers crossing from Yemen over a 15-month period.

The report says that the killings of hundreds of Ethiopian men, women, and children along the Yemeni border between March 2022 and June 2023 would constitute “a crime against humanity” if carried out as part of Saudi government policy. 

A link to the report is below.

The report was based on interviews with witnesses and an analysis of photos, videos and satellite imagery going back to 2021.

The report claims that victims were forced to choose which part of their body where they would be shot, while others were targeted with explosive weapons and some were made to rape girls as border guards watched. 

The Saudi government refutes the report as inaccurate and not based on reliable sources.

NYT, Daily Beast