‘Joe the Plumber’ of Ohio Dead at 49

‘Your Dead Kids Don’t Trump My Constitutional Rights’ To Have Guns – Joe the Plumber

Wurzelbacher announced in July he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He is survived by his wife and children. 

Also known as “Joe the Plumber”, Wurzelbacher received prolific media attention when he confronted Obama during a 2008 campaign event in Toledo, Ohio. Wurzelbacher accused Obama’s proposed tax plan of conflicting with the American Dream, while Obama suggested his plans would allow small businesses — such as Wurzelbacher’s plumbing business – to grow more quickly. 

Obama won Ohio by 3%.

Republican nominee and late Arizona Senator John McCain made references to “Joe the Plumber” during his campaign for president following the interaction; additionally, Wurzelbacher made several national media appearances and was referenced 26 times during the Oct. 15, 2008 presidential debate between Obama and McCain. 


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