Army official at Mar-a-Lago uploaded suspected child porn to Russian website

A U.S. Army official formerly in charge of all White House communications at Mar-a-Lago was sentenced to three years of probation on Friday



Richard Ciccarella, who worked for the military at President Donald Trump’s Palm Beach resort, became a target of an investigation after he uploaded topless photos of a young girl to a seedy Russian website between 2017 and 2018, according to court documents.

Ciccarella, a non-commissioned officer in charge of communications at Mar-a-Lago, used the username RICH25N to upload suspicious photographs and folders to the website iMGSRC.RU between November 2017 and February 2018 according to court documents.

Ciccarella’s use of a Russian website to upload sensitive images while working in close contact with Trump’s resort raised concerns among security experts. It marked the latest security breach at or involving Mar-a-Lago.

Article submitted by, sheltomlee.