Trump Plans on Speaking to Union Workers During GOP Presidential Debate

Instead of attending the second GOP presidential debate on Wednesday, September 27, the Former Guy is planning to visit striking auto workers in Detroit to portray himself as aligned with rank-and-file members.

The New York Times reports that Trump is planning a prime-time event with 500 union workers including plumbers, pipe-fitters, electricians, as well as autoworkers.

The reality is that Trump has maligned the industry’s move toward making more electric vehicles, and has been silent on the issues the UAW say are driving the strike, namely better pay and benefits, and added job security. 

Trump has attacked union leadership, and most union leaders are hostile toward Trump.

Shawn Fain, UAW President, is no exception, and responded to the Former Guy’s plan.

Trump is trying to portray Biden’s plan to push automakers to the EV market as “decimating” for Michigan — a TRANSITION TO HELL!!

Trump appealed to blue collar workers in 2016, and is hoping to do the same in 2024.

The Biden administration responded.

“Donald Trump is going to Michigan next week to lie to Michigan workers and pretend he didn’t spend his entire failed presidency selling them out at every turn. Instead of standing with workers, Trump cut taxes for the super-wealthy while auto companies shuttered their doors and shipped American jobs overseas. He’s said he would’ve let auto companies go bankrupt, devastating the industry and upending millions of lives,” spokesperson Ammar Moussa said in a statement.


Detroit Free Press, Bridge Michigan, MLive