Coffee Talk

So here we are, back at Coffee Talk already.

It’s another Thursday free chat at the News Views cafe, where we can chat about anything and everything. It’s all good, as long as there’s coffee.

For inspiration, we start Coffee Talk with an alternative topic — one that’s not exactly newsworthy, one that you can choose to ponder until the news of the day begins to develop.

Today’s Topic

Cassidy Hutchinson’s new book is being released on September 26, and already we’re getting some salacious nuggets of interest beyond what she revealed to the January 6 Committee as an observer close to the Oval Office.

Cassidy’s book “Enough” is one of many that hit the shelves following (or during) the traumatizing Trump years. Will they ever end?

Yesterday we learned of Rudy Giuliani’s groping incident through Cassidy, and this morning The Guardian has her story about Trump’s reckless behavior as he battled Covid. Mark Meadows and Trump thought it was hilarious that he debated Biden while knowing he had already tested positive (and later became very sick). She also revealed why Trump wouldn’t wear a mask during the pandemic — because she pointed out the bronzer on the elastic straps of his white N95.

In my family, we’ve had several books shared and passed around between us, and honestly I’ve had one sitting on a table that I haven’t had the stomach to ever pick up and read, Phil Rucker and Carole Leonnig’s “I Alone Can Fix It.”

I did read Mary Trump’s book, and learned that young Donald was made fun of when a family member dumped a bowl of mashed potatoes on his head, among other insights and family secrets.

Have you been able to read any of the numerous books about Trump?

I admit it was possible earlier for me to handle the feat, in order to glean insight into the orange madman. Now, not so much, but I do find Cassidy Hutchinson to be a credible witness to the WH circus act that has been hidden from the public. I would consider it possible to pick up her book and read it. The Washington Post went over the list of Trump insiders’ books, and came away with this revelation: The ones that performed best were the most critical of Trump and his handling of the job. That may bode well for Hutchinson’s memoir.

But as parody comedian Brent Terhune would say, I digress digest.

It’s Thursday, it’s Coffee Talk, it’s free chat, it’s all yours. Tell us what’s up.

And also, Happy 21st of September!