Couple Received $1,400 Refund After Being Seated Next to Farting Dog

13-hour flight

Gill and Warren Press  paid extra for premium economy seats for the 13-hour flight on  Singapore Airlines, they told Insider. When they arrived at their assigned seats, they said they discovered that they were seated next to a passenger with a bulldog mix dog, which Gill believed was an emotional support animal. According to Gill, the dog was snorting and drooling. 

Gill said Warren spoke to a flight attendant, who informed the couple that the only open seats were in the back of the economy cabin. So the couple initially decided to remain in their premium seats. 

After dinner service had finished, and as the couple attempted to fall asleep, the dog started farting, Gill said.


Press told the outlet that they decided to switch seats due to the stench, and were informed that they could fill out an incident report, which they did. Press told Insider that they heard nothing back from the airline, however, and when they took the initiative to reach out, the company offered only an apology and two $73 gift vouchers.

Feeling that it wasn’t a fair compensation for giving up their premium seats, the couple continued to email the airline for greater compensation for giving up their $1000 seats. Insider reported that after prolonged communications, the airline initially countered by offering two $118 travel vouchers, but later issued a refund for the difference in cabins, which amounted to $587 each. In all, the couple received $1410 from the airline.

“That’s the least they could do,” Press told the outlet. “If they wanted to be really nice, they could’ve given us way more.”


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