Vivek Ramaswamy Claims ‘Angry Protesters’ Rammed His Car; Police Say No Evidence to Support the ‘Accident’ was Intentional

Another Republican doing what they do best: LYING!

A 22-year-old woman just left a deli in Iowa and accidentally struck a Ford Expedition while backing out of a parking spot. She had no clue who owned the vehicle but later learned it belonged to Vivek Ramaswamy’s campaign. But to hear ‘candidate’ Ramaswamy’s side of the story, “at least two protesters upset about the Republican presidential candidate’s remarks in opposition to aid for Ukraine purposely rammed his car in retaliation.” He’s lying–shocking, I know.

Police said the woman told them she was not there protesting anything, had no idea whose vehicle she had hit, did not intentionally cause the crash and did not flee the scene. Police say there is no evidence to substantiate the claim that protesters intentionally hit Ramaswamy’s campaign vehicle and sped off.

Both vehicles had minor damage, police said, and the woman received a traffic summons for unsafe backing.

Of course, the Ramaswamy campaign is sticking to their false claims about the very minor accident that occurred. In a text to the Associated Press, Tricia McLaughlin, a spokesperson for the campaign said:

 “Prior to the protestors ramming their car they continually laid on the horn, flipped staff off and screamed expletives (it appeared in efforts to create commotion.)”
She continued: “It seemed like the protestor couldn’t stay at the event or didn’t want to and wanted to make a statement. (Though I can’t assign motivations.) The driver began to drive off but stopped suddenly after staffers chased after to get insurance information.”

Now, the campaign is fundraising off this ‘accident.’

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