Honor Student Loses Scholarship After Dancing Video Posted Online



DATELINE: WALKER, La. — An investigation is underway by the Livingston Parish School Board after a Walker High School senior had her scholarship retracted and her student government president title stripped by the school after video surfaced on social media of her dancing at a homecoming after-party, UWK has learned. The video in question shows Kaylee Timonet, 17, dancing behind a friend “twerking” at a private party where Timonet’s mother was present on Sept 30, 2023.

Timonet is senior and beloved by the student body at public Walker High School, according to numerous students who spoke to UWK on the basis of anonymity. She has a 4.0 grade point average and represents the school in numerous clubs. Prior to the video being released, Timonet was the student government association’s president. That role has since been stripped. She remains the Beta Club president. The teen tutors kids and was just awarded outstanding volunteer in the Baton Rouge area.

This is an interview with Kaylee’s mother Rachel and a couple clips of the dancing at 42 seconds and at 1 minute.

The after homecoming party took place at at Livingston Parish Country Club. “It’s a private venue. Everybody who was invited put up money to pay for the venue, to pay for the DJ. We’ve done this pretty much every year since my son has been in middle school,” said Kaylee’s mother Rachel Timonet, who was present at the party. “I saw her with my own eyes doing specifically what was on the video. I mean she’s been a dancer since before she’s two years old. I mean that is what I had the venue for, for kids to come, dance and have fun. So as far as how people dance or what somebody determines is inappropriate dancing, I mean to me, they were just having fun. There was nothing inappropriate to me.” 

Timonet says there was no alcohol served at the premises. Rachel tells Unfiltered With Kiran that she watched the video of her daughter dancing before the hired DJ posted the video on social media.

“I didn’t see anything wrong with what my daughter was doing in the video,” says Timonet. “My child was not representing the school in any way, shape or form at the party.”

Three days after the dance, Kaylee was called into the front office with the principal and assistant principal. They told her she was stripped of her title as the student government association (SGA) president and that the principal was no longer endorsing her for a school scholarship.

✱ Principal Jason St. Pierre told Kaylee that she wasn’t following God’s ideals.

✱ The principal told Kaylee that her actions went against the Bible, and questioned her faith.

✱ The principal  printed out Bible verses to show Kaylee.

✱ Demanded to know if her friends follow the Lord.

✱ Said she should be ashamed of herself and that they were concerned about her afterlife.

✱ Kaylee’s mom said St. Pierre told her they share a difference of opinion, and because it’s his school he gets to decide what’s appropriate or not.




✱ The principal also gave Kaylee a bracelet that said “I love Jesus.” 

The original video has now been removed off of social media.

No scripture and/or proselytizing

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