More Middle School Jabs at Biden from Trump’s Iowa Rally

In lieu of substantive solutions during an Iowa “rally” Former President Donald Trump said he has a “much better body” than President Joe Biden and claimed he could take him in a fight.

Trump  mocked Biden  for being “very, very old” and claimed he could not carry lightweight beach chairs meant for “a child” to carry. “He’s got a consultant somewhere — this is the worst consultant in politics — that thinks he looks good in a bathing suit, right? He spends so much time at the beach. I mean, how do you do that?”  Trump said at a rally in Waterloo, Iowa, on Saturday.

“And, you know, I have a much better body than him. But I’m not really sure that I want to expose it, with the sun blaring down and the sand, the surf, the wind you know. I mean, you know, it’s not a pretty sight.”

Trump, aged 77, is just three years younger than Biden.

The former president also discussed how he would fare against his political rival in a physical fight. Trump, who has been criticized for increasingly violent rhetoric as his legal cases have put more pressure on him, began discussing photos of Biden on the beach

“I think I could go like this,” Trump said before blowing air out of his mouth, “and he’d go down.”

Trump brought up comments by Biden in 2018 about how if they were in high school, he would take Trump “behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.”

In addition to discussing his own body and Biden’s body, he even brought Ivanka into the picture, maintaining his avoidance of the discussion of anything he might do to address world and national issues, not to mention personal legal ones, should he become President.

Trump then claimed that he was better at golf than Biden. And so it goes. . . .

Business Insider and Raw Story