Florida’s DeSantis orders universities to ‘deactivate’ pro-Palestinian groups

There are at least two “Students for Justice in Palestine” chapters at Florida universities facing cancellation.

From Politico: In a memo to school leaders, the state ordered a “crack down” on campus events led by the pro-Palestinian organization that the DeSantis administration claims amount to “harmful support for terrorist groups” like Hamas, which attacked Israel in early October. Florida, under Republican presidential candidate DeSantis, has staunchly supported Israel during the ongoing war and was monitoring college protests that have since ignited.

There are at least two Students for Justice in Palestine chapters at Florida universities facing cancellation through ties to the national organization . . . . The University of Florida and University of South Florida both appear to have active SJP chapters.

This apparently did become law in July,

“The punishments doled out to student groups come as state policymakers, such as DeSantis and Florida’s only Jewish Republican state lawmaker, state Rep. Randy Fine, have pressed university leaders to penalize anti-Israel dissent on campuses across the state. More, too, could be coming, according to Rodrigues, who said Tuesday that future “measures could include necessary adverse employment actions and suspensions for school officials.”

Heated rhetoric over the Israel-Hamas war has roiled colleges across the country, leaving some of the nation’s top schools struggling to address the campus fallout.