Michele Bachmann Calls for Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza: ‘They Need To Be Removed From That Land’


Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) said in no uncertain terms that the 2.3 million inhabitants of Gaza should be forced off the land so that it can “be turned into a national park.” Speaking at AmericaFest hosted by TurningPoint USA, Bachmann told Charlie Kirk that Gazans – roughly half of whom are children – should be uprooted from the region and deported to Iran:

They’re basically hired mercenaries. That is their industry. Terrorism is their industry. That’s why you have more miles of tunnels, Charlie, than you have [in] the New York subway because they have one industry in Gaza. And that’s terrorism.

So, it’s time that Gaza ends. The two million people who live there – they are clever assassins. They need to be removed from that land. That land needs to be turned into a national park. And since they’re the voluntary mercenaries for Iran, they need to be dropped on the doorstep of Iran. Let Iran deal with those people.

“Michele Bachmann, everybody,” Kirk responded. “She does a great job, doesn’t she?”

The former congresswoman received a round of applause from the audience.



About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it