With so much going on in our world, we sometimes miss important issues. Please feel free to share any headlines or new developments we may have missed providing they come from reliable and credible sources. In other words, please do not post any missed headlines form far right ‘news’ sources or regurgitate their Russian propaganda unless you’re trying to point out that the far-right extremist in our country and elsewhere actually believe their own BS or Russian disinformation. The same applies to what is currently happening in Israel. We also ask that you provide a link to your source so folks can read it if they want. Please do not make any claims that you cannot factually validate or verify.
Breaking News:
“Winning!”: Israel’s Supreme Court overturns a key component of Netanyahu’s polarizing judicial overhaul
Israel’s Supreme Court on Monday struck down a key component of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s contentious judicial overhaul, delivering a landmark decision that threatens to reopen the fissures in Israeli society that preceded the country’s ongoing war against Hamas.
The planned overhaul sparked months of mass protests, threatened to trigger a constitutional crisis between the judicial and legislative branches of government and rattled the cohesion of the powerful military.
President Biden/Biden Administration:
2024 Election:
How to Trigger the “Two Stupid” MAGAt KKKult:
And in case not all heads have exploded, ONE MORE TIME!:
The Worst, Stupidest, and Most Deplorable People in the World:
Donald Trump Discusses Melania’s Absence in New Year’s Message
Donald Trump has confirmed his wife Melania Trump‘s absence from holiday celebrations was because she was staying with her sick mother.
Craven Assholes:
So Much For Dictionaries and Definitions:
Ohio Newspaper Rebukes Jim Jordan With Some New Year’s Advice
A newspaper from Representative Jim Jordan‘s home state shared some New Year’s advice for the congressman in an editorial published on Sunday.
The editorial board of Cleveland.com, which produces content for The Plain Dealer, Ohio’s largest newspaper by circulation, rebuked Jordan, an Ohio Republican, in an opinion piece titled, “New Year’s resolutions for our elected officials.” In a list, the newspaper critiqued both Democrats and Republicans in local, state, and federal government.
“No more unnecessary House Judiciary ‘investigations.’ Focus on actual governing instead,” the newspaper wrote of Jordan.