Dean Phillips Trash Talks Biden and the Democratic Party But Loses to the Write-in Candidate

Democratic Presidential candidate Dean Phillips is vowing to continue his campaign after President Biden, as a write-in candidate, defeated him in the New Hampshire primary.

Phillips spent $5 million on New Hampshire’s race and scored about 20% of the votes.

He told voters there that Biden is a weak candidate for reelection who’s on a path to lose the presidency to Trump.

In Trumpian style, Phillips accused his fellow Democrats of a dark conspiracy against both him and No Labels, wondering aloud about “what is really going on.”

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post reported going to a Phillips event with about 30 other bored journalists, where Phillips bashed Biden, the Democratic Party, and threatened to run as a third party candidate.

It was there that he blamed Biden as the antagonist of New Hampshire voters by not recognizing the state as diverse enough to be prioritized early in the primaries. Phillips called the Democratic Party’s move “horrifying,” “unjust” and “sickening.” Phillips said he was campaigning there “to remind this entire country that what was done to all of you is one of the most egregious affronts to democracy I’ve ever known in my lifetime, initiated extensively by the president of the United States.”

As for running for No Labels: “I am seeing the DNC employ practices that are not just antidemocratic, but I think despicable and dangerous and maybe even illegal. So if they are going to deny the opportunity to have a competition, I will keep going.”

Phillips also attended his first Trump rally in New Hampshire and gave glowing reports on MAGAts while calling his own party losers.

“It’s not that easy running against your party,” poor Phillips lamented. But he was pleased that many of my Republican colleagues have been so generous with their reach-out over the last 90 days,” he said, offering him “birthday wishes” and affirmations such as “go get him” and “love the courage.”

Minnesota Public Radio