LETTUCE PREY: It’s ‘Bring Your Bible to School Day’ in Kentucky

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin wants kids to bring the Holy Scriptures to class Thursday, as part of “Bring Your Bible to School Day,” an annual event that encourages students of all ages to take the religious text into the classroom.

“I would encourage you, please, don’t just bring your Bible to school, but read your Bible. Bring it, share it with others. If you have an extra Bible, bring it and share it with somebody who doesn’t have one, who maybe has never read this book,” Bevin said Tuesday in a video posted on social media.


The event is sponsored by Focus on the Family.

Focus on the Family is an American fundamentalist Christian organization founded in 1977 in Southern California by James Dobson, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It promotes social conservative views on public policy. —Wikipedia

Focus on the Family is an anti-LGBTQ organization.

Here’s the Kentucky ACLU’s take.

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