“Got Pipe?” Canadian Trans Mountain pipes its length & amp; girth virility

Canada has swallowed its very own Viagra oil pill and excitedly prepares for engorgement with the anticipated erection of Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project.  It released a press release with the oh, so, original catchphrase of “Got Pipe?”

“Trans Mountain has received more than 550 kilometres of pipe at stockpile sites in BC and Alberta –that’s over 55 per cent of the total pipe needed to build the Expansion Project,” reads a posting entitled, “Got pipe?”

“The 1000 kilometres of pipe being delivered includes 30-inch, 36-inch and 42-inch diameter pipe. While the majority of the expansion will utilize 36-inch pipe, we will use 42-inch pipe in the Valemount, BC area and 30-inch pipe in the Burnaby Mountain Tunnel.”

Could the Trudeau government reek of any more desperation? Canada bought the pipeline, on the taxpayers dime, confident they could trample First Nation’s rights.  The legality of expansion is still in question, but Trudeau’s government is conspicuously pumping up this inflatable cock, cuz you know – elections.


Article submitted by, salticidae.