No, MAGA, Michelle Obama Will Not Be Running For President in 2024

As Michelle Obama told Oprah Winfrey last year in a Netflix special, “Politics is hard. And the people who get into it … you’ve got to want it. It’s got to be in your soul, because it is so important. It is not in my soul.”

The former FLOTUS has made it clear that her plans for 2024 do not include running for President.

“As former first Lady Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president,” Crystal Carson, the director of communications for Obama’s office, said in a statement.  “Mrs. Obama supports President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ re-election campaign.”

The announcement will likely disappoint the conspiracy theorists in the right wing who appear to have been scared of the prospect. Several MAGAs and nut jobs have floated the idea publicly that Michelle would swoop in to save Joe Biden at the last minute of the 2024 election.

Ted Cruz told Sean Hannity more of the same:

“I think the odds are very significant that next summer at the Democrat national convention that the Democrat party will jettison Joe Biden and will throw him off the ticket, and they will parachute in instead, Michelle Obama to be their candidate,” Cruz said. “I think they’re gonna look to Michelle Obama as the savior to come in. And I think if that happens, that would be very, very dangerous. And every time I see a Democrat or one of their puppets in the press beginning to point out the problems with Joe Biden — every time that happens, the chances of that go up and up and up.”

Newt Gingrich didn’t want to go down the rabbit hole, but took his opportunity to explore some white supremacy trash talk about the former FLOTUS.

“First of all, she’s more radical than Barack, and she’s more racially intense than Barack,” he said.  “And she can’t explain the amount of money they’ve got, the size of their mansion. I mean, you know, they managed for eight years to live out a myth that was a lie — that they were really normal everyday people, but they’re not,” Gingrich said. “And they’re both radicals, but she’s much like Hillary is much more radical than Bill Clinton. Michelle is more radical than Barack. And that would not work very well in a national campaign.”

MAGAsphere follows along, hyping the thought of the Democrats’ “best chance.”

Meanwhile, back at another one of Fox News’ “diners” the news came as a big relief!!

NBC, The Hill