Trump Posts Nearly $92 Million Bond in E. Jean Carroll Defamation Case

In this courtroom sketch, Friday, Jan. 26. 2024, Donald Trump, left, is followed by his inside counsel Boris Epshteyn, as he walks out of the Federal courtroom, in New York. (Elizabeth Williams via AP)

Citizen Trump has posted a $91.63 million bond as he appeals the judgment against him in the E. Jean Carroll defamation case.

The notice of Trump’s bond and appeal was made with the federal court in New York on Friday.

In January, a federal jury awarded Carroll $83.3 million in damages as a result of Trump’s defamatory statements denying he raped her, saying she wasn’t his type, and accusing her of making up the allegation to boost sales of her book.


Trump also faces a March 25 deadline to put up another $454 million in the New York attorney general’s civil fraud case.

In Carroll’s case, Trump has argued that the jury award is excessive and should be reduced. During the trial, Carroll’s lawyers told the jury that Trump should be punished with a large number in damages so that it actually gets him to stop his defamatory behavior.

In addition to those two judgments against him, Trump is also facing mounting legal fees he owes on the four criminal trials he’s facing as he campaigns for another presidential term.


DetailsTrump’s bond payment was underwritten by insurance company Chubb, an international insurance provider based in Switzerland.

Under the bond terms, Chubb will only secure the appeal of the $83.3 million judgment and not any future appeals.


The bond still has to be approved by the judge overseeing the case, U.S. District Court Judge Lewis A. Kaplan.


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