On Chairman Comer, Raskin Has Had Enough and Moskowitz Encourages Therapy

While the U.S. Senate was TOTALLY EXONERATING taking up articles of impeachment for Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas on Wednesday, the James Comer department of insanity was going 15 rounds with Rep. Jamie Raskin, Rep. Jared Moskowitz, and others in another Oversight Committee hearing discussing Chinese misinformation and eventually the lack of “impeachment” of President Biden.

Of course, Comer turns the hearing into another sham impeachment argument.

Watch the battle of wits below.

“If Biden took a bribe, why aren’t you impeaching him?” Raskin demanded. I can invite Mr. Moskowitz to come back in. Do you want to move for impeachment today?”

Raskin dismantled the repeated attempts by the chairman to ignore debunked theories about Biden family crimes, and Tim Burchett eventually calls for a break so Mr. Comer can simmer down now.

When Rep. Moskowitz re-enters the hearing, he seizes the moment of Comer’s respite, and begins encouraging therapy for the chairman.

Comer remains willfully obtuse about the facts and lack of facts in his impeachment fantasy.

When repeatedly asked what crime Joe Biden committed to warrant impeachment, his answer on Wednesday remained obtuse: “Well, you’re about to find out, very soon.” 

Washington Post, Raw Story, Mediaite