The House GOP and Defense Appropriations: Why Support Vets if there’s No Planet to Fight On?

Politico notes: The House narrowly cleared its version of annual Pentagon funding legislation on Friday that Republicans loaded with conservative policy measures. Most of those provisions stand no chance of becoming law once they reach the Senate.

The $833 billion defense appropriations bill passed almost entirely with GOP support, as Democratic leaders ripped Republicans for adding restrictions to abortion access, gender-affirming care, climate change efforts, and diversity and inclusion programs. The vote was 217-198, with only five Democrats supporting.

House Republicans’ Defense Funding Bill Weakens U.S. National Security and Undermines Democracy at Home and Abroad

June 28, 2024:

“Today, the House passed Republicans’ extreme 2025 Defense funding bill that harms our military readiness, undermines democracy at home and abroad, and abandons Ukraine. Instead of investing in our national security and the issues that matter most to our men and women in uniform, the bill includes harmful policy riders that divide our nation.”
Defense (118th Congress)

House Appropriations

The Pentagon funding bill includes several non-starters for Democrats. It blocks funding for the Pentagon’s policy of reimbursing troops who travel to seek abortions. It also prohibits funding to cover gender-affirming care for transgender troops. And it guts spending to implement a variety of diversity, equity and inclusion and climate change efforts.