Whitmer Confirms She is Not Being Vetted for VP

Says Kamala Will Likely Decide VP in 6-7 Days

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer made the morning show rounds to confirm publicly that she is not being vetted as a vice presidential candidate for Kamala Harris.

Whitmer also spoke of the weirdness of the GOP, and the divisiveness and hate they sow.

Whitmer is a co-chair of the Harris campaign, and said she expects Harris to announce a running mate in the next six or seven days.

Whitmer pushed back on the idea that a running mate must be a white man and called concerns over an all-female presidential ticket “baloney.”

“I’ll tell you this,” Whitmer continued. “In Michigan, myself, my secretary of state, my attorney general — all the chief executives in Michigan — are women, and every one of us was told there may be too many women on the ticket. Baloney. We’ve proved that wrong in the swingiest of swing states.”

Full interview below:

USA Today