Minneapolis to pass on security fees to the Trump campaign

On Thursday, Trump will hold a bigly rally at the Target Center in Minneapolis. But, according to the campaign, the Mayor of Minneapolis, Jacob Frey, just slapped them with $530K in security fees.

The Trump campaign released a news release  alleging that Mayor Frey told the Target Center it would be liable for the additional costs. The release said the Target Center passed those costs on to the Trump campaign at the threat of canceling the rally.

“This is an outrageous abuse of power by a liberal mayor trying to deny the rights of his own city’s residents just because he hates the president,” said Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale in a statement.

“People want to hear from their president, and no mayor looking to beef up his resume for a run for higher office should stand in the way.”


Last month, Frey said he doesn’t want Trump in the city.  On Tuesday, Trump fired back, calling Frey a “lightweight mayor.”

Trump has considered legal action and had one of his lawyers fire off a strongly worded letter to Target Center management:

“We are well aware of Mayor Frey’s vocal partisan opposition to President Trump and calls to disrupt the rally,” the letter from Trump law firm Jones Day addressed to the Target Center’s management firm said.  “This last-minute squeeze seems to be nothing but a pretextual political effort with serious First Amendment ramifications.”

The campaign is requesting the management firm for the Target Center confirm the availability of the arena for the rally by 11 a.m. central time on Tuesday, or it will prepare to take the issue to court. 

The Hill:
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