Putin’s Useful Idiots: Russia Allegedly Pays Right Wing Useful Idiots to Spread Disinformation and Sow Division

An update to a previous News Views article:

It’s official: Far right extremists on social media and ‘news’ platforms that spread disinformation to muck up the 2024 election in order to help re-elect The Felon Guy are not just shitholes but have also become useful idiots for Vladimir Putin.

An indictment unsealed Wednesday alleges that a Russian state-controlled media outlet financed a Tennessee company. The indictment doesn’t name the company, but a description of the firm matches the online content creation company Tenet Media. The indictment accuses two Russian nationals, employed by Kremlin-operated media outlet Russia Today, of funneling nearly $10 million to covertly fund and direct the Tennessee company.

According to the indictment, Kalashnikov, 31, and Afanasyeva, 27, who were employees of Russia’s state-controlled media outlet RT, played pivotal roles in funneling nearly $10 million to a Tennessee-based online content creation company, referred to in court documents as U.S. Company-1. The content company, unbeknownst to its viewers, was funded and directed by RT to produce pro-Russian videos aimed at American social media users. This company is believed to be TENET Media, who touts right-wing hosts Lauren Southern, Tim Pool, Benny Johnson, and others, as part of their roster.

Remember Tucker Carlson’s visit to a Russian Grocery Store? Useful idiot!

What is Tenet Media?

The DOJ alleges that between October 2023 and August 2024, RT transferred nearly $10 million to U.S. Company-1 through a network of shell companies in Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and Mauritius. The funds were allegedly used to produce and distribute content designed to sow discord among Americans, amplifying domestic divisions on issues like immigration, inflation, and U.S. foreign policy.

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