Below, you will find some headlines we may have missed and some interesting video clips on several subjects. Please feel free to share anything you may have run across; just make sure it’s not from a McMAGAt infested shithole.
The Fascist Guy and His Brownshirts:
Putting Lipstick on a ‘Terd:’
Will They Trickle On You, MAGAts?
Trump’s billionaires set to take government by storm
President-elect Trump has assembled an administration of unprecedented, mind-boggling wealth — smashing his own first-term record by billions of dollars.
- That’s even without counting the ballooning fortunes of his prized outside adviser and the world’s richest man: Elon Musk.
Why it matters: It’s not hyperbole to call this a government of billionaires. Whether it acts as a government for billionaires — as Democrats argue is inevitable — could test and potentially tarnish Trump’s populist legacy.