Rudy Giuliani is the real secretary of state

Giuliani wanted to be tapped as America’s top diplomat, and it looks like he got more than he bargained for: congressional scrutiny and the media’s glare

From the looks of things, Rudy Giuliani has been the real secretary of state from Day One of the Trump administration. From Ukraine to Turkey to Iran to Foggy Bottom, Giuliani has left his mark. Who cares if Mike Pompeo now sits in the same office once occupied by Hillary Clinton and John Kerry.

“America’s Mayor” has emerged as the Zelig of the Trump presidency, appearing anywhere and everywhere, the only thing missing being feathers sprouting from his head. As to whether Giuliani has truly served the presidency’s true interests, as opposed to simply playing Trump’s TV lawyer, that’s a whole other story.

On Thursday, the justice department charged Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, two of Giuliani’s clients who are embroiled in Ukraine and the hunt for Hunter Biden, with felony campaign finance violations and conspiracy.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.